Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest. 每人划一小时桨,然后休息一下。
Every dog has its day, and every man his hour. 狗有走运日,人有得意时。
In the midst of all these convulsions of the bell mingled with the revolt, the clock of Saint-Paul struck eleven, gravely and without haste; for the tocsin is man; the hour is God. 在这一片狂敲猛打的钟声和喧腾哗乱的人声中,圣保罗教堂的时钟庄严舒缓地敲着十一点,警钟是人的声音,时钟是上帝的声音。
Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them. 原来人也不知道自己的定期:鱼被恶网圈住,鸟被网罗捉住,祸患忽然临到的时候,世人陷在其中,也是如此。
At around 9 pm, a strange man followed her around for an hour asking for her QQ number. 当时是晚上9点多,一名陌生人在尾随她大约一个小时之后,向她索要QQ号。
Whether we are discussing the migrations of peoples and the inroads of barbarians, or the government of Napoleon III., or the action of some man an hour ago in selecting one direction for his walk out of several, we see nothing contradictory in it. 无论我们所谈的是民族迁徙和野蛮人入侵,或是拿破仑三世的命令,或是某个人一个小时前从几个方向中选出一个散步的方向的这一行动,我们都看不出任何矛盾。
O man unfathomable. It was his hour of triumph. 这个深奥莫测的人呐,这是他大获全胜的时刻。
Some were wasting their energies on a lost cause though-six percent revealed they had secretly fancied the groom, with three per cent admitting they had even been romantically involved with the man of the hour before he met his bride. 一些人把精力浪费在注定失败的事情上&6%的受访者表示她们偷偷地觊觎过新郎,3%的人承认她们在新娘和新郎相识之前,和新郎曾有一段恋情。
As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour in this last year of the war, and killing him would alter the war's path. 至于彼得雷乌斯,他是最后这一年战争的关键人物,杀掉他会改变战争走向。
LD should agree to sympathize with a certain man at a certain hour, they could not cure his headache. 即使全世界的人都同意在某一时刻同情某个人,也治不好他的头痛。
What a record to leave behind! He led the people back to God and was God's man for that hour. 这是一项重要的功绩:他带领百姓归回神,并且愿意成为在那时神所使用的人。
The man talked at large for an hour about his plan for his building a new, large company. 这个人把他那新建一个大公司的计划长篇大论地讲了一个小时。
A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life. 取于随意浪费生命中一个小时的人还没有发现人生的价值。
After winning the company marathon race, Scott was the man of the hour. 得了公司马拉松比赛的冠军后,斯科特成了名噪一时的人物。
Each man have a paddle for an hour and then a rest. 每个人划一个小时,然后休息一下。
During those few days, Hsin-mei was the president's man of the hour, having received the most calls from his colleagues, while Hung-chien was seldom so honored. 这几天里,辛楣是校长的红人,同事拜访他的最多。鸿渐就少人光顾。
So where's the man of the hour? 咱们的主人公在哪?
The objective of our problem is to minimize the shortage of man hour for customer demands of various skills. 为了要使顾客的需求达到最大的满足,我们的目标是要找出一最佳排班表来使所缺乏的人力资源量为最少。
A man traveling at130 miles per hour on the road was stopped by traffic police. 有一个人以每小时130英里的速度在路上行驶被交警拦了下来。
God always has a man for the hour of great need. 神在每个重要的时刻,都会兴起不同的人去为祂工作。
Madly in love laws: man madly in love the hour have inexhaustibility of cleverness; Woman madly in love hour but inconstancy get stupid. 热恋定律:男人热恋时有用不完的聪明;女人热恋时却易变得愚蠢。
From the material cost and repair man-hour data bank for Santana car, this paper analyzes the data structure, system design and programming to bring the computer technology into vehicle insurance settlement and make it more electronic and standard. 文章从桑塔纳轿车换件价格和维修工时的数据出发,详细介绍了数据库的结构设计、系统设计和程序开发,以实现定损核价电子化、标准化的目标。
Man hour ration is a basic work of management and production of an enterprise. A Study on the Development of Man-hour Ration Based on Artificial Neural Networks 工时定额的制定和管理是企业进行现代化生产管理的基础工作。基于神经网络的工时定额技术研究
This paper, takes the practical engineering project design schedule control as example, discusses that the statistics technology can control the design schedule and man hour consumption dynamically and quantitatively and thus play the directive role in schedule control. 以工程项目设计进度应用统计技术为例,阐述统计技术可动态、定量地掌握设计实物进展和人工时消耗,起到控制进度的指导作用。
GRASP-Based Maintenance Time and Man-Hour Model 基于GRASP的系统维修时间和维修工时模型
The Calculation Method of Production Man hour of Auto castings in Mathematical Statistics 汽车铸件生产工时数理统计计算方法
As essential important factor and tool in realization of computerised man-hour determination system, mathematical module for man-hour determination functions as a bridge and link between computer and man-hour determination. 在实现计算机制定工时定额过程中,工时定额数学模型是一个不可缺少的重要因素和工具,它在计算机与工时定额之间起到的是桥梁与纽带作用。
The estimating value of the amount of ork of man failure interval and work hour of mean failure interval were obtained. 并得到了平均故障间隔作业量、平均故障间隔作业小时的估计量。
The paper introduced into the concepts of 'comprehensive coefficient', 'man-hour' and 'income elasticity coefficient, and set up a series of quantitative assess indicators and confirmed expectation value of indicators and conversion proportion of all kinds of operations. 引入综合系数、人时单位、收入弹性系数等概念,建立定量考核指标体系,确定指标的期望值以及各类手术之间的换算比例。
Manhour ratio system is an important part in CAPP. This paper researches the manhour ratio system and a practical man hour ratio system is developed with Visual C++ and Access, Matlab on the basis of the demands of the machining precision and interface function. 工时定额系统是CAPP的重要组成部分,对工时定额系统进行了研究,并在其加工精度和界面功能要求的基础上用Visualc++和Access、Matlab开发出了一种实用的工时定额系统。